How to achieve 5:3:5 ratio of NPK fertilizer for Avocado farming in India?

I have made an attempt in this blog post to get you started with water soluble NPK application.

Available NPK in soil is different for each avocado farm in India. Different soil types have different requirements and one size does not fit all. But due to the non-existent research on avocado fertigation in India, we all need to start somewhere to achieve high yields.

2 years ago, when I planted my first avocado field in Bhopal, the NPK ratio recommended by my Israeli colleagues was 5:3:5.

However, 5:3:5 ratio is not perfect for all but it will get you going, and you can fine tune it later.

5:3:5 is not available prepackaged in India. So we mix 3 types of fertilizers to achieve 5:3:5. These are –

  • Potassium Nitrate (13:0:45)
  • Mono-ammonium Phosphate (12:61:0)
  • Ammonium Sulphate (21:0:0)

Potassium Nitrate

After hit and trial, using Chat GPT and some help from Mr. Vinayak Khare (a hydroponics expert based in Bhopal) we found that using 110 grams of 13:0:45 will give us 14.3 grams of Nitrogen and 49.5 grams of potassium (K).

Mono-ammonium Phosphate

Similarly, if we add 49 grams of 12:61:0, it will give us 5.88 grams of N and 29.89 grams of P.


Finally, if we add 140 grams of 21:0:0, it will give us 29.4 grams of Nitrogen.

Mixing it together

When we mix it together, we get, 49.58 grams of N, 29.89 grams of P and 49.5 grams of K. Thus achieving a ratio very close to 5:3:5.

Now, what do we do with this knowledge?

Wait for my next blog post, to understand how to make a solution of this NPK mix and how to apply it in your avocado farm in India.

thank you,

Harshit Godha

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