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Fixing dragon fruit poles (vlog 17)

Hi everyone,

I haven’t been blogging lately in the written format. I thought I would pick it up again. You can expect a lot of blog posts coming your way soon.

I will pick up where I left off. Vlog 17.

In this episode, I talk about a problem we were facing in our dragon fruit orchard in Bhopal. During the monsoons the poles we installed in our orchard started tilting and some even fell sideways. Now that’s an issue. So we untied the dragon fruit plants from the pole, took em out, then took pole out and dug the hole deeper. Then we put the concrete pole/pillar back in and retied the plants. This was done as an experiment to see if the plants survive.

I uploaded the video 1 year ago. So I know the experiment was successful. Eventually we had to di it in a lot of concrete poles and we fixed this problem in our orchard.

Thank you
Kind regards,
Harshit Godha
+91 6268643227
