avocado farmin india

Indo Israel Avocado Vlog #6 : Avocado farming in Bhopal, India project update

Hi friends,

I just published a new vlog post on youtube. You can watch it below. I also discuss some updates about my project, you can scroll down and read them.

Vlog #6: Avocado farming in India, Project update

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Even though I did end up receiving the import permit, there were delays in getting it. The delay in getting the permit had cost me an entire year.

The plants in Israel are too big for export now. The avocado plants cannot be exported in this condition.

The plants in the nursery are usually kept in 1 litre pots, and once the root system is developed enough, those are then transferred into 7 litre bags.

The plants that I ordered  should have been transferred into big bags 2 months ago.

Had I received the permit in time, I would have imported the Avocado plants from Israel when these were in 1 litre bag, and then transferred into 7 litre bags in my Avocado nursery in India.

I do feel bad about the delay, but it is what it is. These circumstances were out of my control.

At least, now I know the entire procedure, so hopefully next time, all the documentation would be done in time.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

Harshit Godha
