Another publication on Fresh Plaza

Indo Israel avocado Freshplaza

Hi,  Fresh plaza published an article about my project in September. I didn’t update the blog back then as I was too busy with the nursery work.  Basically the article talks about how I finally got my plants in July this year. It has pictures of the nursery which weren’t uploaded on any other website […]

Article on United with Israel

Harshit Godha United with Israel Avocado

Good Evening, Subject: New article about my Avocado farming project in India on United with Israel. You can click on the link below to read it. First of all, Happy Diwali. I hope you have had a great time with your family and friends. Unfortunately, it is raining heavily in Bhopal. So no fire […]

New article on

Harshit Godha Israel21c

Here is the link to the article: Few years ago, when I was first researching about Avocado cultivation, I had no idea that it was being cultivated in Israel commercially.  I read an article on, the title was, “Europe to Israel, more Avocados Please!”. That article triggered a thought, if they are growing Avocados […]