7 Things to Consider Before Cultivating Avocados (download pdf)
Avocado farming would require a careful consideration of a lot of variables, before establishing an avocado orchard in India. These would primarily include, climatic conditions, soil test reports, water availability, average annual rainfall, wind, method of irrigation and upfront investment costs. Avocado cultivation is not for the average Indian farmer. Rather, it is an investment […]
Pilot Project: 750 Israeli Avocado plants in India
After returning to India from the UK, my next challenge was to persuade my father and uncle to see avocado production as a viable business opportunity. My father, though skeptical of the possibility of Avocado’s commercial cultivation here, arranged meetings with senior officers in the state’s horticulture department. Not surprisingly, all those meetings were not […]
My story: 30 days at an Israeli Avocado orchard
Once I had made up my mind to give Avocado production in India a shot, I started contacting industry experts across the world to guide me on how to go about it. One person from Westfalia Fruit was kind enough to provide me contact details of a grower in Israel, who was cultivating avocados in […]
Can you grow Avocados in India?
Avocado, though not in abundance, are available in tier 1 and 2 cities in India. Either, the produce is imported, or locally grown in South India. In case of the former, it is usually the Hass variety, while for the latter, it’s a low quality indigenous avocado grown from seedling, that barely resembles its modern […]
Why Avocados?
In this post, I discuss what prompted me to get into avocado cultivation.