My story: 30 days at an Israeli Avocado orchard

Once I had made up my mind to give Avocado production in India a shot, I started contacting industry experts across the world to guide me on how to go about it. One person from Westfalia Fruit was kind enough to provide me contact details of a grower in Israel, who was cultivating avocados in […]

Can you grow Avocados in India?

Avocado, though not in abundance, are available in tier 1 and 2 cities in India. Either, the produce is imported, or locally grown in South India. In case of the former, it is usually the Hass variety, while for the latter, it’s a low quality indigenous avocado grown from seedling, that barely resembles its modern […]

Why Avocados?

harshit godha avocado

In this post, I discuss what prompted me to get into avocado cultivation.