2nd Article on Israel21c and orders for 🥑 plants


I hope you are well.

I had some updates about my project. My project got covered by Israel21c for the second time. Abi from Israel21c had some interesting questions and she is a prolific writer. 

In the article, she discussed about my relations with my Israeli colleagues, why I chose Israel, talked about why there were delays in my project and my ongoing work inside my nursery.

You can look it up here

Another update I had was, I will soon begin taking orders for avocado plants. If you are interested, get in touch with me. My email is indoisraelavocado@gmail.com.

Please bear in mind that the consignment will arrive in India by the end of this year hopefully. Then I will grow them and keep them in quarantine inside my green house for 1 year, then I will be able to sell you the plants by the end of next year. 

Thank you
Kind regards
