Avocado farming in India with Netafim Israel – Summary | Avocado Insider #1

Good evening everyone, Welcome to Episode no. 1 of Avocado Insider with Netafim series. I recently had a video call discussion with Netafim Israel. It was a one hour long discussion where we discussed the following points about avocado farming in India – 1. Climatic requirements 2. Importance of raised beds 3. Importance of commercial […]
How to Accelerate Avocado Farming In India: Indian Avocado Industry White Paper

Download the full 3000 word pdf here for free. Executive Summary Traditional crops have a saturated market in India with excess production. Government needs to look at new crops like avocado which can help farmers command a premium price. Avocado is a superfood with immense health benefits. It has a higher demand than supply worldwide […]
Why you can’t grow Hass avocado trees from Hass avocado seeds?

Hi, Since I started taking orders for my second and third consignment, I often get asked why people can’t simply plant a Hass avocado seed to get a Hass avocado tree. Let’s say, you buy a Hass avocado from the market. Chances are, it was imported from Chile or Mexico. You try the fruit, find […]
7 Things to Consider Before Cultivating Avocados (download pdf)

Avocado farming would require a careful consideration of a lot of variables, before establishing an avocado orchard in India. These would primarily include, climatic conditions, soil test reports, water availability, average annual rainfall, wind, method of irrigation and upfront investment costs. Avocado cultivation is not for the average Indian farmer. Rather, it is an investment […]
Pilot Project: 750 Israeli Avocado plants in India

After returning to India from the UK, my next challenge was to persuade my father and uncle to see avocado production as a viable business opportunity. My father, though skeptical of the possibility of Avocado’s commercial cultivation here, arranged meetings with senior officers in the state’s horticulture department. Not surprisingly, all those meetings were not […]